

i’ve started creating some video works, thanks to all the great video art i’ve been checking out from germany and canada lately.  i’ll keep you posted on what is happening with that aspect of my life as things happen.






i am playing loads of dance classes these days, about 9 or more a week.  first of all, i love playing dance classes.  well, maybe love is a strong word but the demands placed on the accompanist for these classes are all things that the musician (or any artist for that matter) must have at their fingertips.  improvisation, creativity, strong time sense, connection with sound, with other dancers, with the essence of the movement…..these are all things that as a drummer i need to have honed and ready.

playing dance class, particularly for peggy baker (whose accompanist i have had the good fortune to be for over 6 years or so now) is a great way for me to keep fit—physically, musically, mentally and spritually.  listening to peggy speak about dance and the creative process is one of the biggest influences on me as a musician and on my approach to creating.  i am very fond of saying that i would not be half the musician i am today without my many years of accompanying dance class.

but man my hands hurt.  i’m not getting any younger.

robert lippok has gone away for now. schade.

well, i put robert lippok on the plane yesterday.  after a week long radio theatre workshop sponsored by the goethe institute toronto and a wonderful concert at toronto’s music gallery we parted ways for now.  on his plate: set design, an electronic mass, and other european delights.  on mine: lots of dance classes to play, grant writing and composing to do.

the concert itself was a great treat for me.  the confluence of the digital and acoustic worlds is something i have been so entranced by, and robert’s sounds are precisely what i hear in my head somehow.  we are hoping to do more playing as a duo in the future, and i am already on to the planning stages for next year!!!

stay tuned.

coming soon….

UPDATE: where you are has been featured in both weekly arts magazines in toronto!  click here for the eye weekly mini interview (scroll about halfway down for where you are).  click here for the excellent writeup about the piece in now magazine (the piece is at the bottom of the page):

Next to smell, sound often gives us the most powerful sense of time and place. Debashis Sinha puts callers in two cities at once: any reveller walking through Zone B need only call 1-888-432-5995 to hear audio art pieces constructed from sounds recorded on the streets of Kolkata , India. Sinha’s piece accentuates the odd transpositions of time and space constantly foisted upon us by telecommunications and media. Walk around with both sides of your mind on opposite sides of the planet.

see  you @ nuit blanche

selected in madrid

one of my audio pieces was just selected for the soundworks program at madrid abierto, a festival of intervention and performance art, TV and radio in february 2008. i had the chance to visit the city this past summer and it is really enchanting, an amazing place.

if you are planning to go, choose february 2008.

robert lippok will soon be eating my chicken curry


robert lippok is coming to the goethe institute to present a radio theatre workshop. i will be attending and i can’t wait. besides being a very nice fellow he has been behind some of the most interesting projects i have had the pleasure of discovering.

and—bonus for me!—we will be presenting a concert together at the music gallery of course, thanks to the goethe institute and raster-noton. deets below, and hope to see you there.

Thursday, October 4, 8 pm
Music Gallery, 197 John St., Toronto
Tel: +1 416 2041080
Admission at the door: students and Music Gallery members $5, general public $10

Robert Lippok and Debashis Sinha collaborate in a live concert setting, each artist presenting his own sound world to the other and the audience, reacting, creating, and making music together in the moment. The acoustic and electronic combine to create something unique and new, skin and computer chip, groove and texture, past, present and future joined together.