the peggy baker show went great. 6 channel mix. no waiting. and i got a raging fever right after opening night. perfect.
many new projects in the mix, some of which i can’t talk about. but one i can talk about is the fact that i posted new live excerpts from the shruti project on vimeo. you can see excerpts from the show @ the music gallery in toronto on march 11. thanks to jonny dovercourt (for inviting me to open for david caniell and tortoise’s douglas mccombs) and sandor ajzenstat (for fixing my framing on the video camera recording the proceedings).
musicworks‘ feature interview on my process creating the CDMC commission kailash will be coming out soon. you can see a scan of it @ my press page and of course you can listen to the commission and a feature program (in spanish) from links on that page as well.
now it’s applications time, so there are lots of packages to be mailed and presenters to contact. there are some exciting things on tap for 2010/11, so keep it locked to find out what’s what in the upcoming DEB.
[vimeo http://vimeo.com/10221562]