that post title didn’t sound quite right.
i am just finishing work on a new video for german dj trio homewreckers (that’s a still from the video there). they asked me to do something for “the other side of town”, a track from their new CD, american ruhr. more info later on where and when you might be able to see it. a great quote from kodwo eshun on the result: a dialogue for a frame and an edge.
the first of a few scores this year for canada’s national treasure, dancer peggy baker is complete. earthling will premiere @ the PUSH festival in vancouver, january 22 and 23rd are the performance dates. more info here if you are in the vancouver area. i will be making more music and video for peggy later this year for a new full length work. stay tuned.
work continues on a couple of solo CDs! slow going but i am really enjoying the minutiae of crafting the sound for these releases.
if you happen to be reading this before january 28th, come down to the tranzac in toronto, where i will be doing my first toronto performance of shruti, the field recording based audio performance i have done in germany, newfoundland, and banff. each one is different….this performance has been programmed as part of david sait’s and michael keith’s night bazaar series.
…..reading this over i see that the holiday is over. more to come.