just found out i have been awarded a production fellowship at the banff new media institute by the bnmi and quebecor fund.
dates tba but i am hoping to go at the end of august/early sept. its to go work there for 21 days, and i will be based in the creative electronic environment….hmmm….i guess i’m in one now, but the one at banff i think will be a bit more flash.
outcome: a surround sound video installation and possibly a performance concept for laptop and projections. the project summary is: Harmonium is a surround sound video work that is made up of connected improvisations using video and audio source material shot in Banff and India and manipulated recordings of the harmonium, a reed instrument imported to India in the mid 19th century from England and now an integral part of devotional music in South Asia. Using these materials, harmonium meditates on the nature of sound, light, and faith, and how these elements find expression in the life of a 2nd generation Canadian.
i am super honoured to be chosen for this fellowship. the banff centre is an amazing place—i was there for a day or two on a maza meze tour and it was really quite something. beautiful and full of energy. i look forward to going there to learn more about video and make this work.
wish me luck.